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Teg Avatar
Updated Aug 27, 2014 21:43:47 GMT -5 by Teg     3 comments    0 likes    1,220 visits
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Updated Sept 1, 2013 3:36:43 GMT -5 by Pendu1um     4 comments    0 likes    979 visits
Been following Ecstatic for ages now, but rarely go on dA anymore since I quit designing. I saw his journal mentioning him giving PSDs away weekly for you/us/anyone to learn from...
Pendu1um Avatar
Updated May 14, 2013 10:54:43 GMT -5 by Pendu1um     2 comments    0 likes    937 visits
Do as you please with it. Dead links don't have PSD any longer. ...
Teg Avatar
Updated May 11, 2013 14:47:03 GMT -5 by Teg     2 comments    1 likes    1,040 visits
Enjoy :P...
Guest Avatar
Updated Jul 8, 2011 3:19:56 GMT -5 by sissorelle     0 comments    0 likes    342 visits
Very old and basic tutorial for PSP. Use and distribute as you wish. Sorry if it's "crappy" I made this many years ago. Yes, I am aware of the unnecessary space around the...
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Updated Jul 8, 2011 3:14:20 GMT -5 by sissorelle     0 comments    0 likes    373 visits
Very old and basic tutorial for PSP. Use and distribute as you wish. Sorry if it's "crappy" I made this many years ago. Yes, I am aware of the unnecessary space around the...
Deleted Avatar
Updated Aug 28, 2008 12:33:18 GMT -5 by Deleted     4 comments    0 likes    576 visits
650x16,000px / 3mb / .PNG / PSP+PS Compatible Although this was done for [and in] Paint Shop Pro, the tutorial is both compatible for PSP and Photoshop...
Deleted Avatar
Updated Jul 9, 2008 9:45:57 GMT -5 by Deleted     3 comments    0 likes    533 visits
http://stinky666.deviantart.com/art/Mehbeh-Tag-Tut-91072606 ^Thumbnail^ dA comments...
RoGeR Avatar
Updated Apr 13, 2007 22:48:15 GMT -5 by Smangii     7 comments    0 likes    501 visits
Copyright cribforums ....
Deleted Avatar
Updated Feb 10, 2007 22:32:03 GMT -5 by Deleted     0 comments    0 likes    894 visits
Boy Look Sig Tut [PS] By Crazy (aka. ircrazyd). Bought for Posting rights for Socal, SZ, ED and SI. Enjoy! ...
Unleashed Madness Avatar
Updated Oct 28, 2006 18:29:50 GMT -5 by Konen     7 comments    0 likes    566 visits
crazyblue Avatar
Updated Oct 14, 2006 10:20:29 GMT -5 by Smangii     1 comments    0 likes    559 visits
Created by: Me Final Result: Br...
Guest Avatar
Updated Jul 14, 2006 20:29:39 GMT -5 by dn107xc     6 comments    0 likes    1,018 visits
Please dont rip. I have the PSD but no host. :(...
zellow Avatar
Updated Jul 11, 2006 11:28:45 GMT -5 by Bennedetto     5 comments    0 likes    966 visits
Bennedetto Avatar
Updated Jun 25, 2006 14:38:56 GMT -5 by Bennedetto     4 comments    0 likes    643 visits
Examples of other outcomes: Differe...
Matt Avatar
Updated May 7, 2006 11:18:00 GMT -5 by Matt     0 comments    0 likes    662 visits
XD's Wire Tutorial ____________________ Ok this tutorial will show you how to make simple techy wires like on this: ...
.яσzєг™ Avatar
Updated Apr 29, 2006 13:18:36 GMT -5 by Peter     3 comments    0 likes    621 visits
This is how you can make a quick and easy pattern... 1) Start by a new photoshop document (File --> New). 2) The box where u put the sizes will come up... input these...
.яσzєг™ Avatar
Updated Apr 23, 2006 14:00:49 GMT -5 by ½ n00b     3 comments    0 likes    728 visits
OK this is a tutorial for people who dont know how to do pixel strecth, its not really that difficult so I hope this helps! Ok here we go 1)Open up a render and resize it and...
XyMiC Avatar
Updated Apr 23, 2006 12:58:24 GMT -5 by Smangii     15 comments    0 likes    984 visits
1.) Open your sig that you want to do zoom animation in. I will use this sig for this tutorial: 2.) Merge all the lay...
tokage Avatar
Updated Apr 23, 2006 9:54:57 GMT -5 by .яσzєг™     3 comments    0 likes    732 visits
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