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Theme Collection

Our community's collection of FREE downloads to themes and skins for your ProBoards v5 forum.

Updated Dec 24, 2016 9:47:24 GMT -5 by Smangii     1 comments    2 likes    11,963 visits
Collection Info This board is to submit skins and themes that are for ProBoards v5 You may ask for help with a specific theme by replying t...
Smangii Avatar
Updated Jul 10, 2024 15:04:15 GMT -5 by misshaype     24 comments    3 likes    8,332 visits
An earthy/green-colored theme inspired by an earlier theme of Slightly Insane (Some of you may recognize it). Features some simple forum icons made by me, but has mostly default layout templates....
Smangii Avatar
Updated Mar 26, 2024 9:07:55 GMT -5 by laceupbrah     60 comments    5 likes    12,780 visits
Night rising. [ A theme by @admin ] [ Color palette from/inspired by @cowardlydog  ] A dark, spacious, and...
ElseAndrew Avatar
Updated Mar 12, 2024 6:05:56 GMT -5 by vilgefortz     47 comments    9 likes    11,604 visits
Live Preview Download I...
account_disabled Avatar
Updated Nov 24, 2023 21:52:42 GMT -5 by account_disabled     0 comments    0 likes    261 visits
In order for this variable to be installed regardless of how you access your account via etc. we need to set this variable in a few different places. We add them to files and files to ensure that...
aquarius Avatar
Updated Oct 27, 2023 17:10:50 GMT -5 by zaynac     12 comments    6 likes    8,872 visits
mild bubble...
Smangii Avatar
Updated Sept 26, 2023 19:48:18 GMT -5 by lirilei     30 comments    9 likes    12,128 visits
NIGHT VS DAY Image Previews: ...
aquarius Avatar
Updated May 21, 2023 19:18:18 GMT -5 by wbbdaily     21 comments    1 likes    10,765 visits
dark c...
Deleted Avatar
Updated Jul 13, 2022 23:50:50 GMT -5 by liaaa     12 comments    0 likes    5,239 visits
Update: The info center messes up for this theme if you use the Sidebar Redux, so my suggestion would be to replace it using my much better one: http://smangii.proboards.com/thread/38871/slimline-i...
sef Avatar
Updated Mar 25, 2022 17:19:23 GMT -5 by sef     0 comments    0 likes    266 visits
I have been looking for a theme to use for a pet loss forum. Do you have any specific suggestions from the collection here? I didn't see anything that might be pet-related, but am not yet sure how to...
aquarius Avatar
Updated Feb 3, 2022 21:24:30 GMT -5 by butterfly     14 comments    10 likes    7,652 visits
canvas ...
Deleted Avatar
Updated Jan 10, 2022 11:17:40 GMT -5 by justified     46 comments    6 likes    9,370 visits
First off, I want to say a massive thanks to @elseandrew and @fallensamurai for all of their help. Also a thanks to @mikeo, @davidlinc1 and anyone else who may have helped, that I have forgotten...
Smangii Avatar
Updated Jan 9, 2021 5:19:21 GMT -5 by lordhen     22 comments    0 likes    7,474 visits
Get this theme on the ProBoards Theme Library! --- Inspired/copied from my v4 skin, Prolassic (old l...
Smangii Avatar
Updated Dec 14, 2020 13:23:43 GMT -5 by kennethkeen     22 comments    4 likes    5,388 visits
M. [ A Theme by @admin  ] A simple, metro-inspired boxy theme for Proboards. Has some CSS and layout template mods for t...
ElseAndrew Avatar
Updated Dec 3, 2020 20:57:32 GMT -5 by finch1     48 comments    6 likes    13,555 visits
Live Preview Welcome to Mono, a free to use theme for your forum. ...
Kami Avatar
Updated Nov 10, 2020 16:37:43 GMT -5 by Deleted     20 comments    4 likes    8,564 visits
No Preview Available...
Smangii Avatar
Updated Jul 7, 2020 15:20:31 GMT -5 by captaineko     21 comments    4 likes    7,542 visits
coastline Inspired by many trips to the beach. And wanted to mess with css filters. Been tweaking this for a while and got bored, so here it is. Has icons, a dro...
Smangii Avatar
Updated Jun 7, 2020 21:50:45 GMT -5 by yannerd     14 comments    1 likes    7,235 visits
Get this theme on the ProBoards Themes Library! --- Based off: ...
brex Avatar
Updated Jan 4, 2020 23:01:37 GMT -5 by brex     0 comments    0 likes    659 visits
Smangii Avatar
Updated Nov 26, 2019 22:57:44 GMT -5 by jackalope666     74 comments    10 likes    16,087 visits
U N D E R C O V E R [ A theme by @admin ] A dark, monotone, black, gray, and white theme; very rectangular and has a boxed feel throughout. Forum wra...