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macska Avatar

Last post May 1, 2019 6:47:32 GMT -5

macska commented on Smangii's Emoticons (v1.0)
648 Threads
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henry1995 Avatar
Updated Dec 3, 2015 6:16:11 GMT -5 by henry1995     10 comments    0 likes    514 visits
Guys i'm problem when i modfied my shoutbox there is excess space below replybox  . I'm unable to fix it . <div class="$[shoutbox_class] container full"> <div...
henry1995 Avatar
Updated Dec 3, 2015 6:11:01 GMT -5 by henry1995     4 comments    0 likes    322 visits
Is there anyway to change font of proboards ? ...
valykry Avatar
Updated Dec 2, 2015 12:55:01 GMT -5 by FallenSamurai     3 comments    0 likes    379 visits
Basically, I'm trying to create a header at the top of certain pages. It would contain text, a few small images and links. The problem is I'm also trying to make a border around this header...
pumaspec Avatar
Updated Oct 13, 2015 11:13:26 GMT -5 by bladehawk     1 comments    0 likes    396 visits
Hello! I'm new...
jeffro Avatar
Updated Sept 8, 2015 8:51:10 GMT -5 by jeffro     0 comments    0 likes    336 visits
I really need a code or plugin that will do this!  If you know of one or can make me one that would be awesome! I have searched all over Proboard's website with no luck. It seems like it...
legionjens Avatar
Updated Aug 21, 2015 17:03:16 GMT -5 by legionjens     3 comments    0 likes    377 visits
Hello, As the title says, is there a way you can change the size of smileys ? And i don't mean in the menu but in the post itself. Because now i have this on my forum and i...
legionjens Avatar
Updated Aug 20, 2015 13:05:47 GMT -5 by legionjens     13 comments    0 likes    766 visits
I'm renewing my forum to a more modern, flat and fresh look. I already changed my banner so it have a full width like on this forum. Now my problem is that my logo and navigation is...
theanswer Avatar
Updated Aug 20, 2015 11:43:05 GMT -5 by elli     1 comments    0 likes    415 visits
So I had this convo with stinky. Forum UI has been largely been the same since 2003. Personally, I think administrators and designers have gotten so used to certain things that we rarely...
legionjens Avatar
Updated Aug 17, 2015 18:21:28 GMT -5 by Azayles     8 comments    0 likes    481 visits
Hello i have another problem/question about the forum i'm remaking. My menu bar looks like this now:  Now i...
kz Avatar
Updated Aug 12, 2015 7:13:20 GMT -5 by kz     0 comments    0 likes    292 visits
Would anyone be able to help me with something similar to this?  http://www.jssor.com/demos/scrolling-logo-thumbnail-slider.html I am bad at coding but this would be good...
Smangii Avatar
Updated Aug 4, 2015 12:11:53 GMT -5 by Deleted     21 comments    0 likes    1,564 visits
http://www.deviantart.com/ What is up with the Z? Anyone digging or hating the new logo/brand? I am not a fan. Maybe I just have to let it grow on me... but come on,...
Phear Avatar
Updated Jul 28, 2015 18:33:43 GMT -5 by Phear     3 comments    0 likes    368 visits
I am working on my new board, and have two questions I can't seem to find solutions for, if you all would be willing to help? 1.) With Proboards v5, is it possible to have random Forum...
Teg Avatar
Updated Jul 26, 2015 18:22:59 GMT -5 by Teg     0 comments    0 likes    330 visits
So, this is a current forum project and forum of mine. I'd like opinions on the name and the layout. With the header area, the fox painting on an easle is suppose to represent Graphic and Web design...
Foxx Avatar
Updated Jul 15, 2015 11:22:47 GMT -5 by Foxx     2 comments    0 likes    566 visits
So I'm currently using the Winter Snowstorm skin from here created by @aquarius for my site. However, I am trying to put my...
lumynum Avatar
Updated Jun 6, 2015 9:17:21 GMT -5 by Deleted     5 comments    0 likes    488 visits
Hey denizens, I've recently been working on my mini-profiles and achieved what I really wanted, thanks to @trinityblair and their tutorials. However...
iwa Avatar
Updated Jun 4, 2015 15:31:03 GMT -5 by iwa     5 comments    0 likes    386 visits
Hi guys, I'm looking for some help here. I'm in the process of designing a brand new forum and want the forum banner to operate in the same way that the one on this forum does (Slightly...
lumynum Avatar
Updated May 30, 2015 17:57:49 GMT -5 by lumynum     4 comments    0 likes    486 visits
kitsune69 Avatar
Updated May 27, 2015 13:44:33 GMT -5 by FallenSamurai     3 comments    0 likes    395 visits
so i've recently decided to start an RP site based on the pokemon tabletop rpg. Think it could be quite interesting xD  but now i need some assistance with the coding of the site....
Deleted Avatar
Updated May 11, 2015 15:49:18 GMT -5 by Pelรฉ     3 comments    0 likes    961 visits
I dunno about you, but I think this is just brilliant: http://species-in-pieces.com...
freezing Avatar
Updated Apr 4, 2015 22:11:10 GMT -5 by patricia93lim     2 comments    0 likes    578 visits
i hope i even called that by its correct name... back in the day, one could have an image on top of the title bar area in a category. And then at the bottom of the category you could have...