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wolfpackdescendit Avatar
Updated Dec 10, 2015 9:27:58 GMT -5 by wolfpackdescendit     0 comments    0 likes    276 visits
So I know you have most likely heard this all before, but this site is amazing! Great work, I'm sure you have helped so many others with their own sites....
cielsucre Avatar
Updated Dec 7, 2015 11:31:21 GMT -5 by cielsucre     0 comments    0 likes    277 visits
Hi I really enjoyed here and it's amazing, I was able to give a better look to my forum <333 Thank you! ...
maskerader Avatar
Updated Dec 2, 2015 21:31:07 GMT -5 by darkrecruiter     1 comments    0 likes    291 visits
I just wanted to say that this site is wonderful.  I'm new to figuring out all the v5 goodies, and your site is phenomenal and ridiculously helpful.  So, THANK YOU!...
charms Avatar
Updated Dec 1, 2015 17:48:07 GMT -5 by charms     0 comments    0 likes    259 visits
I've been looking for a theme to use for my roleplay board and I found quite a few cool ones on here. Thanks to all the coders who made them....
trinityw Avatar
Updated Dec 1, 2015 9:50:52 GMT -5 by trinityw     0 comments    0 likes    241 visits
Hello! This site looks really nice <3...
leocozy Avatar
Updated Nov 30, 2015 5:49:49 GMT -5 by leocozy     0 comments    0 likes    222 visits
I'm inspired by everything i see here, please if you don't mind telling, whats the name of the theme used on this forum? It feels so nice!...
evernightprincess Avatar
Updated Nov 22, 2015 5:33:05 GMT -5 by evernightprincess     0 comments    0 likes    241 visits
So I just joined but I wanted to let you guys know this site looks awesome even as just a guest and wanted to say thanks!...
henry1995 Avatar
Updated Nov 18, 2015 4:02:11 GMT -5 by henry1995     0 comments    0 likes    219 visits
This board is entirely different ! Simply to say " Awesome " . It remains me that i'm still a kid in web designing ....
mariekn Avatar
Updated Nov 15, 2015 7:48:16 GMT -5 by mariekn     0 comments    0 likes    296 visits
This is a pretty awesome website. :D Awesome!...
roodnoob Avatar
Updated Nov 15, 2015 2:00:48 GMT -5 by roodnoob     0 comments    0 likes    246 visits
Great themes and great resource, thank you :D...
sect Avatar
Updated Nov 12, 2015 0:12:21 GMT -5 by sect     0 comments    0 likes    208 visits
Thank you for this site! It's extremely helpful!...
mannequins Avatar
Updated Nov 8, 2015 14:52:38 GMT -5 by mannequins     0 comments    0 likes    284 visits
This site is amazing! Thank you~...
digger Avatar
Updated Nov 6, 2015 20:40:39 GMT -5 by digger     0 comments    0 likes    246 visits
I just want to say hi to everyone here. I am kinda new to proboards, and I really think that this is a wonderful forum to help everyone including newbies like. ...
atro Avatar
Updated Sept 14, 2015 11:14:45 GMT -5 by djcoston     4 comments    0 likes    404 visits
looking around but seems i need to post first thanks...
xayu Avatar
Updated Sept 8, 2015 4:53:49 GMT -5 by xayu     0 comments    0 likes    352 visits
Your themes are so nice! Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing all these with the community. :) I look forward to your future works! ...
offline Avatar
Updated Aug 21, 2015 18:05:53 GMT -5 by offline     0 comments    0 likes    281 visits
I just joined but you guys provided me with tons of amazing themes!...
ashtexan Avatar
Updated Aug 12, 2015 21:57:53 GMT -5 by shadefrost     2 comments    0 likes    336 visits
Just thought I would say wow this place is so amazing and thank you all for doing what you are doing. I myself am terrible at CSS coding and can only dream of doing what you guys here do, keep it up...
judaimustang Avatar
Updated Aug 12, 2015 18:16:45 GMT -5 by haleycanadian     17 comments    0 likes    811 visits
You guys are amazing. Everything here is generally way better than the stuff I can find anywhere else. Keep up the awesome work!...
aeryon Avatar
Updated Aug 10, 2015 18:24:17 GMT -5 by aeryon     0 comments    1 likes    290 visits
Came across this site after making a proboard for the development of a space thtmed sandbox game with some friends and the themes here look amazing and they are being made avaiable by you awesome...
pkf10 Avatar
Updated Aug 10, 2015 17:44:22 GMT -5 by pkf10     0 comments    0 likes    303 visits
After seeing all the great coding I thought I'd make a general thank you as it is better than what I can find anywhere else!...