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adonexa Avatar
Updated Mar 21, 2017 18:07:04 GMT -5 by darrienforjesus     1 comments    0 likes    499 visits
awesome themes, would like learn more. Will be using some and credit back...
xsugarpistol Avatar
Updated Feb 26, 2017 14:30:37 GMT -5 by xsugarpistol     0 comments    0 likes    408 visits
Hey guys! I love the site, I used to code as a hobby but quit for a while and am trying to pick it back up. I'm still getting used to all the new proboards updates xD I'm...
stripetail Avatar
Updated Jan 21, 2017 10:36:17 GMT -5 by stripetail     0 comments    0 likes    379 visits
I love how well organized the site is and how friendly the people are on here. So many site normally feel so elitist when beginners as questions, its nice to find such a relaxed group. ...
Updated Dec 15, 2016 20:57:32 GMT -5 by Smangii     0 comments    0 likes    309 visits
This message has been moved to proboards by @admin....
stygianink Avatar
Updated Dec 12, 2016 17:05:53 GMT -5 by Deleted     8 comments    1 likes    525 visits
Hi there, I just wanted to say that the new layout for SI is simply beautiful. I like the board layout and the uniqueness and functionality of the forum. Very creative. ...
stever1950 Avatar
Updated Sept 12, 2016 20:18:12 GMT -5 by stever1950     0 comments    0 likes    415 visits
Great themes, using them here: http://wbbdaily.boards.net Is there a "tip jar" function here somewhere for the author(smangii)? :) ...
mango Avatar
Updated Mar 1, 2016 14:52:13 GMT -5 by mango     0 comments    0 likes    332 visits
Thanks. :3...
tsurugihime Avatar
Updated Feb 27, 2016 22:02:25 GMT -5 by tsurugihime     0 comments    0 likes    272 visits
this looks like a really cool site! keep up the good work!...
theshadowknight Avatar
Updated Feb 27, 2016 15:14:38 GMT -5 by The Boy From Ipanema     1 comments    0 likes    252 visits
Very, very new here and this forum has beautiful and very enjoyable visuals. I find some aspects of the site unique, the sections are well enough organized, and it's culminated into a nice experience...
harhal Avatar
Updated Feb 16, 2016 8:09:54 GMT -5 by harhal     0 comments    0 likes    328 visits
After all the years I've spent in the internet I have never before found a site this usefull! So many thanks to everyone who have been making this!  <33...
hepzebah Avatar
Updated Feb 9, 2016 18:53:26 GMT -5 by hepzebah     0 comments    0 likes    318 visits
I was send to this forum by a friend who says it's great! Though I will gain access to everything after this greeting post, I already thank you for the help you are giving to many pb users! Great...
poseyg86 Avatar
Updated Feb 8, 2016 12:01:50 GMT -5 by poseyg86     0 comments    0 likes    248 visits
I love your site and all the themes and codes you have here. This is a great resource. Thanks...
silverwolf00 Avatar
Updated Feb 5, 2016 18:10:16 GMT -5 by morkare     8 comments    0 likes    394 visits
This is a really great resource site.. and very inspiring for those who want to learn more about code and design. :) ...
sykon1010 Avatar
Updated Feb 5, 2016 16:12:34 GMT -5 by sykon1010     0 comments    0 likes    265 visits
You guys always have so many themes, It's actually quite nice, heh. Thank you!...
xaves Avatar
Updated Feb 1, 2016 23:45:12 GMT -5 by xaves     0 comments    0 likes    280 visits
I'm getting back into the swing of posting on boards and i'm so pumped to take a look through all these themes, thanks!...
gameforumgota Avatar
Updated Jan 29, 2016 12:45:00 GMT -5 by gameforumgota     0 comments    0 likes    367 visits
I am incredibly newb but I appreciate all the work you have done...
astarte Avatar
Updated Jan 29, 2016 6:59:12 GMT -5 by astarte     0 comments    0 likes    349 visits
Thank you ...
europeanlass Avatar
Updated Jan 17, 2016 19:15:41 GMT -5 by lake     2 comments    0 likes    250 visits
Thanks a lot for the pure existence of this site & the staff and coding masters' time <3 Been looking for this site for quite some time now....
thespider Avatar
Updated Jan 10, 2016 14:57:26 GMT -5 by yuria     1 comments    0 likes    262 visits
 Thank you so much for this. It helps a lot, especially with codes and such. ...
aphelion Avatar
Updated Dec 19, 2015 21:25:03 GMT -5 by aphelion     0 comments    0 likes    224 visits
Especially now that its moved to v5 I've really appreciated  all your 'goodies' here. Keep up the good work!...