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Smangii Avatar
Updated Dec 12, 2013 14:00:16 GMT -5 by FallenSamurai     7 comments    1 likes    1,088 visits
So my professor told me to look this trick up, which I originally thought was just possible with javascript. If text is too long in a box/div/area, you can truncate it with ellipsis using...
Rin Avatar
Updated Mar 25, 2009 17:05:18 GMT -5 by dalton     1 comments    0 likes    497 visits
Part two of me covering HTML...I'm going to insert from a college reference website that I got from a friend. Tables Tables are defined with the...
Rin Avatar
Updated Feb 22, 2009 0:00:48 GMT -5 by Rin     0 comments    0 likes    459 visits
Hey RHC here, I looked at Rozer's guide to basic HTML and while that it is good to know the basics, I decided add on what he covered. Paragraphs, Line Breaks, and Horizontal...
Malagrond Avatar
Updated Jun 20, 2008 9:18:25 GMT -5 by Deleted     1 comments    0 likes    523 visits
Simple bookmarklet, useful for finding the width of something (perhaps the forum table, a category, post etc.) javascript:var id = prompt('Enter ID:',''); alert(document.getElementById(id)...
Nate Avatar
Updated Jul 14, 2007 11:54:58 GMT -5 by サイミ 🐍     1 comments    0 likes    732 visits
First of all if you do not know the functions if, for, function, replace, or grabbing info from forms you do not belong here :). Alright, I took one of my old N00b codes (XP) and fixed it...
Chad Avatar
Updated Jun 17, 2007 8:43:59 GMT -5 by beta     8 comments    0 likes    996 visits
Lets get started. How would I put text into an HTML document using Javascript? <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write("Text...
Xikeon Avatar
Updated May 13, 2007 4:39:38 GMT -5 by Xikeon     0 comments    0 likes    581 visits
This tutorial is for SI only! May not be posted anywhere else, and only by me! Hello, I'm starting a new tutorial in a few parts as it will take some coding and testing. I'll...
BFG15000 Avatar
Updated May 12, 2007 15:53:20 GMT -5 by BFG15000     4 comments    0 likes    914 visits
CSS Tutorial Part 1: Internal and External CSS Written By BFG15000 In this tutorial I will explain the necessary parts of CSS. In...
Xikeon Avatar
Updated May 12, 2007 4:28:43 GMT -5 by サイミ 🐍     1 comments    0 likes    544 visits
Hello, In this tut I'll try and explain the function: set_error_handler(). With this function you can define your own errors if something goes wrong in your coding. Instead of...
Xikeon Avatar
Updated May 12, 2007 4:16:16 GMT -5 by サイミ 🐍     1 comments    0 likes    472 visits
Hello, PHP knows several loop functions: For-loop While-loop Foreach-loop I'll try and explain them as good asd I can for you :) ...
ri.Scorpian Avatar
Updated Jan 3, 2007 20:48:14 GMT -5 by Phoenix     3 comments    0 likes    849 visits
Are you a noob? Do you have no clue what JavaScript does? Do you want to learn? Fear not, for I am here to help! I'll guide you through all of the basics of JavaScript in these few, simple tutorials....
ri.Scorpian Avatar
Updated Nov 18, 2006 23:50:16 GMT -5 by ri.Scorpian     0 comments    0 likes    600 visits
Alright, JavaScript has many ways to execute certain things. However, some of these things might need to executed if a certain condition is present, and not at all if said condition isn't. Let's say...
ri.Scorpian Avatar
Updated Nov 18, 2006 23:49:54 GMT -5 by ri.Scorpian     0 comments    0 likes    572 visits
Alright, now in JavaScript, there are several ways to execute certain commands under certain circumstances. There's the classic if/else statement: if(condtion){   code t...
ri.Scorpian Avatar
Updated Nov 18, 2006 23:48:04 GMT -5 by ri.Scorpian     3 comments    0 likes    709 visits
This is a tutorial which will guide you through the process of making a category splitter. The original tut was split up over 4 tuts, 4 posts, and 4 threads. Thus, instead of posting something 4...
.яσzєг™ Avatar
Updated May 19, 2006 15:22:20 GMT -5 by .яσzєг™     9 comments    0 likes    815 visits
I think this is where you told me to put this but ah... Well this is the basics of HTML. Now HTML, its and abrivation for 'Hyper Text [color=Navy...
.яσzєг™ Avatar
Updated May 18, 2006 11:23:56 GMT -5 by .яσzєг™     0 comments    0 likes    709 visits
This is it Basic HTML part 2! Well to start off it i will teach you some everyday tags. Heading Tags Bullet FX Bullet FX Bullet F...