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Updated May 2, 2020 4:36:39 GMT -5 by Lumito     3 comments    4 likes    3,534 visits
Nicer Default UBBC Buttons Add this to Advan...
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Updated Oct 13, 2019 18:51:35 GMT -5 by Deleted     3 comments    0 likes    3,813 visits
Goes on the top of Themes > Advanced Styles & CSS > Stylesheet The red parts you can adjust to fit your forum's needs. /* hide info center icon */...
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Updated Mar 12, 2018 0:46:30 GMT -5 by bai     2 comments    3 likes    1,741 visits
I thought this was a huge improvement to the UI of ProBoards (and modal windows in general) so I figured I'd share... Just some simple CSS to "dim" the screen (essentially cover it with...
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Updated Dec 8, 2014 3:55:55 GMT -5 by Deleted     1 comments    3 likes    3,423 visits
I found an easy way to split posts by just using CSS :) You should be able to just past this into the top of your Stylesheet and have it match your forum's design, but of course you can do...
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Updated Jun 25, 2014 17:18:16 GMT -5 by Smangii     2 comments    5 likes    4,738 visits
Customizing & Coloring Usernames I've been asked this quite a lot, and I realize there is no real code provided to fully customize the usernames. So I've create...
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Updated Dec 12, 2013 14:05:00 GMT -5 by Smangii     0 comments    0 likes    1,208 visits
Hide the sub-boards list for specific boards, or all boards: Very simple CSS mod that I used here and thought it could be useful for some. This hides the Sub-boards: blah, blah...
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Updated May 12, 2013 12:27:22 GMT -5 by Deleted     4 comments    0 likes    5,998 visits
The purpose of this sticky topic, is to show you some commonly asked for CSS modifications that can easily be achieved in Proboards V5. If you need help with any of these, please make a new...